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I would love to hear your story of faith! Some people collect art; I collect stories. My extended family jokes that they have to be careful what they share with me, because you never know when I'll have a sudden urge to share it with hundreds of my closest friends. I often meet women at retreats then call them later to hear and record more of their journey. There's just nothing better than celebrating the many creative ways our Lord loves on us and brings beauty from the ashes of our lives.



One of the most fun things God allows me to do is open my heart and His Word with women. I'm truly thankful for each opportunity to speak well of my Lord; to showcase His love and faithfulness in the stories of my life and teach the applications from Scripture that He has written into my heart. I have no set fee and I'm willing to accept whatever honorarium your church offers. I look forward to connecting with you about opportunities to minister in your area.

Thank you for your message.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart . . . Proverbs 3:5
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