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The Courage to Take Refuge

We were rock-climbing near the Pecos River in New Mexico this past weekend. Maybe I should clarify – when I say “we”, I mean “they." I was merely a spectator – soaking in the beauty of the wilderness, taking pictures and trying not to freak out as my husband, son and one of our daughters took turns tackling a steep rock wall.

As I observed occasional “falls” from precarious perches, I was increasingly thankful for the security and protection of ropes, harnesses, and helmets.

Our son, David, has a great deal of experience and makes even the most difficult climbs seem effortless. Watching him, even I am tempted to think, “No problem … I can do that!”

But I was especially struck by the courage of our daughter, who through years of repeated choices to “take on the wall", had eventually overcome her fear of heights. Even though she didn’t reach the top of the climb, she fought hard, reached new heights and we celebrated her victory.

This whole experience resonates deeply as I consider the number of people we know and love who are facing obstacles that loom large and insurmountable. They are walking through circumstances they never would have chosen and in all honesty never would have even imagined.

But what really captures my attention, is that in the midst of all the pain and difficulties, I see the radiance of courage. Their lives are marked by a steadfast perseverance – they repeatedly make courageous choices to “take on the wall” – refusing to give in to their fears and refusing to give up hope in their Almighty God.

Their lives are a picture of what it means to take refuge in the Lord: Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” (Psalm 91:1-2)

My soul-cry at this moment: Lord, I want to live like that!

I wonder how different our lives would be if we stopped expecting to find peace and security in our circumstances and instead embraced the soul-rest that is our inheritance as children of the Most High God. Our Lord is our Refuge and underneath are His everlasting arms. He is our Stronghold, the Source of our peace, and our eternal, unshakeable Rock.

May we have the courage today, even in those places of unanswered questions and unfair situations, to declare with new found confidence: “Lord, You are my refuge and my fortress! I love You and trust You with all my heart.”

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Trust in the Lord with all your heart . . . Proverbs 3:5
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